Our exhibits

Images City

Join us for an intriguing experience with all-time favorite illusory images that will most definitely question your perception!

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You won’t believe your eyes!

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  • illusion rooms exhibits gallery2 moi city 1200×900
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  • images exhibits gallery4 moi city 900×1200

Enter the fascinating world of illusions!

Amusing and awesome tricks will teach you about vision, perception, and the mysterious ways of the human brain. What you see and what you think you see are two totally different concepts, see for yourself!

  • Holograms

    Dive into our amazing collection of 3D images that suddenly disappear and reappear, change their motif, or pop out of their frame, and learn about the fascinating technology of holograms.


    Dive into our amazing collection of 3D images that suddenly disappear and reappear, change their motif, or pop out of their frame, and learn about the fascinating technology of holograms.

  • Optical Illusions

    Bilder, die dich austricksen, so dass sie deine Augen und dein Gehirn verwirren. Diese visuellen Täuschungen sind eine Erinnerung daran, dass unsere Sinne unvollständig sind und unsere Wahrnehmung der Welt häufig verdreht ist. Komm vorbei und lass dich von den vielen optischen Täuschungen verwirren…

    Optical Illusions

    Bilder, die dich austricksen, so dass sie deine Augen und dein Gehirn verwirren. Diese visuellen Täuschungen sind eine Erinnerung daran, dass unsere Sinne unvollständig sind und unsere Wahrnehmung der Welt häufig verdreht ist. Komm vorbei und lass dich von den vielen optischen Täuschungen verwirren…

  • Images

    Would you like to learn more about the marvelous human brain and its notion of perspective? Nothing is quite as it seems, and our illusory images are the best proof!


    Would you like to learn more about the marvelous human brain and its notion of perspective? Nothing is quite as it seems, and our illusory images are the best proof!


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